Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Running IPerf on a point to point connection

Server Side-
    iperf3 -s-i 1

Client Side-
    iperf3.exe -c -w 1025kb -P 10 -i 4

-s Server
-c Client
-w window size, optional, but reducing window size requires less CPU.
-i Sets the console output interval, -i 1 updates every 1 second
-P is the number of processes - each is good for about 50 Mbps. So for 200 Mbps you'd want -P 4

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

VMware Troubleshooting

Equalogic MEM - Multipathing Extension

Check VMware Version-
vmware -vl

Show Nics-
esxcfg-nics -l

Check SCSI Drives-
esxcfg-scsidevs -a

esxcli network nic get -n vmnic0 (NIC Version)
vmkload_mod -s lsi_mr3 | grep Version (SCSI Version)


Scrolling installation with vreplication- 

1. SSH to the vSphere Replication appliance.

Disable automatic VIB installation and stop the looping installs:
    /opt/vmware/hms/bin/hms-configtool -cmd reconfig -property hms-auto-install-hbragent-vib=false

2.Then validate the particular VIB using the below command:
    esxcli software vib list | grep hbr

3. After this, Try restarting the HMS service using the below command.

service hms restart