Monday, October 25, 2021

How to copy all UPNs (usernames) to email address field in AD.

Check users email fields-
 get-aduser -Filter * -Properties mail | select name,mail | Out-GridView

Command to copy-
Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter '(userPrincipalName=*)' ` -Properties userPrincipalName,mail | Select-Object * | ` ForEach-Object { Set-ADObject -Identity ` $_.DistinguishedName -Replace ` @{mail=$($_.userPrincipalName)} }

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

How to set up Mimecast Personal Portal to authenticate to DUO Cloud SSO (SAML2) 2021

 Here is how to set up Mimecast to work with Duo's Cloud SSO.  The online instructions are confusing and inaccurate.

Deploy and configure DUO SSO if you haven't already.

DUO Application-
In Duo, go to Applications, click Protect an Application, search for Generic, there will be two Generic Service Providers, select the one that says "2FA with SSO hosted by DUO".

Fill in the following-
Entity ID- (Replace account code with your account code, it will be something like CUSA88U99)
Assertion Consumer Services ACS URL-
Copy the metadata URL to notepad, you'll need it later.
Name (under settings)- Mimecast
Leave everything else alone, click save.

Administration, Services, Applications, Authentication Profiles, Default Authentication Profile.
Check the box that says "Enforce SAML Authentication for Mimecast Personal Portal"
Provider- Other
Metadata URL- paste the Metadata URL you copied earlier.  Click Import.
Click Save and Exit.
Repeat above if you want to enforce User Applications.
Repeat above in Administration, Services, Applications, Authentication Profiles, Account_Administrators_Authentication_Profile if you want to enforce it for admins.